Why Does your Dental Cleaning Salinas recommend Tongue Brushing

More than seventy percent of the bacteria in the mouth reside on the convoluted surface of the tongue.  A majority of the remainder is around the gum line of the teeth. To reduce the number of these bacteria is to control problems with mouth odor. Some individuals have more trouble than others because we all have a unique formulation of these microorganisms and some varieties produce more of the sulfurous compounds which are the big offenders in cases of  bad breath.

Dr. Mark Washburn DDS., your Dental Cleaning Salinas, recommends the use of an Rx tongue spray (available online), which contains eucalyptol, which is effective in controlling sulfurous compounds.  It can be sprayed on the tongue and rubbed into the tongue with a tooth brush as far back as is comfortable for the longest lasting fresh breath.

Health benefits include:
1. Helps your body detox
2. Increases Oral Health
3. Improves breath
4. Increases ability of taste buds

For more health tips from your Dental Cleaning Salinas, Dr. Washburn, stay tuned to this bi-weekly blog, or contact us to schedule an appointment for your first visit.